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  • Writer's pictureChloë Stent

Terry Barber- Contextual Reference

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Terry Barber is the director of makeup artistry at M.A.C. Makeup, his work is at most inspiring to me because he uses everyday objects and combines the colours of them and turns them into these really creative makeup looks. He has used his instagram profile to gain followers and share his work becoming an icon in the makeup industry, he started his journey into the makeup community by going to art school where he first studied art history however he got a princes trust grant to study makeup and from there he worked in retail during the day and then at night he went out to the underground London club scene during the era of Judy Blame and also DIY styling. Since M.A.C. came to the uk and Harvey Nicholls in 1994 Barber joined up to M.A.C. and since then he has been growing his career towards becoming a director of makeup artistry. His work stands out to me as most artist's Don't usually use random objects as inspiration for makeup looks. This all links to my work as i have been photographing the story throughout the makeup look and I have produced some images trying to replicate and also some inspired by his work.

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