Throughout this assignment, I chose 'black and white portraiture'. I researched ten different contextual references and responded to each of them individually. Through the assignment, I have learned new skills, but have also reapplied some of my previous knowledge, I got to explore different methods in the darkroom and ultimately created some prints using different techniques.
Whilst carrying out my research, I researched photographers whose work focused on the technique of my topic and similarly inspired me, so that I could attempt to replicate the techniques they would have used for my own piece. For instance when researching György Kepes, I used his printing technique as a reference and then went on to create my own prints. One of my contextual references I had a hard time deciding how and what I should shoot as a response/development from they're work so eventually I just looked at their work and how it changed photography whereas the others I also did response photos for.
Although I feel as if I could improve my work by developing the work I have created so far and experiment more to create some final pieces, I really enjoyed using the studio lighting and experimenting with different settings and also the editing in photoshop. I’m really happy with how the prints came out but also the studio images as I especially like my photos based on chiaroscuro. I decided not the create a final image as each of my prints/photos had different development in them and I feel as if I could develop them more before creating one.
For my images inspired by George Mayer I am pleased with how they came out although I think next time, I will try again with the multiple light focus points and try and used different shaped objects to project the light through.
Overall my images in developed from Eric Kim, George Mayer, György Kepes and Babak Fatholahi were my best pieces of work I have created. Next time I am going to try and use different locations other than the studio to shoot my images so that I can have different backdrops and also, I will shoot in colour and use coloured gel sheets to enhance some of my slow shutter images.
As a whole I feel as if I have developed my understanding and knowledge about black and white portraiture but also used my skills, I have learnt wisely in order to develop my work so that I could complete this assignment to the best of my ability. This project has inspired me for the future and has made me consider shooting more portraiture in the future as it’s something I really enjoy shooting and experimenting with. At the start of this assignment I wasn't sure how I was going to record my work as I really struggle writing up my work and research however, I have surprised myself, but I feel as if it could be improved.
To improve this overall I feel that I could combine more of the techniques I have learnt and create multiple shoots or prints out of it then I will be able to link my work, however I also feel as if I could do more research into just black and white photography and why it is still so popular today.