Marja Pirila's images using the camera obscuar techniques develop a narrative as they are photographs of someones living environment but also their outside world and it brings them together.
She has taken theses images using a camera obscuar in which the windows and any areas of light are covered up by blackout plastic and there is a small whole in the centre or any other area of the plastic in which a small amount of light from outside can get through and the light reflects an image of the outer area on the walls inside the building upside down and then she has captured these images with her subject in the room using a slow shutter speed to capture the moving world outside.
Abe Morell
Abe Morell is a Boston based photographer who specialises and is most known for his camera obscure work in which he photographs blank or plain rooms which have had the reflection of the outside reflected onto the walls. He first started using this technique in 1991 using a large format camera. The exposure took him five to ten hours to shoot in the beginning.
In later years he assembled a portable camera obscuar into the form of a mobile tent so he was then able to travel across America to capture landscapes on an enormous scale.
Morell earned his bachelor's degree from Bowdoin College in 1977, followed by his master's from Yale University School of Art in 1981. Then Bowdoin College awarded him an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree in 1997.
I especially like Morell's work as it is very different and its not something you see in most photography books.